05/18 Last day to clear obligations is tomorrow, Wednesday, May 19, 2021. Advisory teacher has latest printout of obligations list and information on how to clear obligations. Take care of your kuleana prior to grad practice. -------- 05/14 Class of 2021 [Student] Graduation Practice Agenda https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g8fMxFpZdpIvX5z6fTKydEg6J-7sP1Q7l239K93tFVk/edit?usp=sharing May 20-21 2021 8:15 am - 12:00 pm Graduation practice is MANDATORY to participate in commencement (per senior contract)
[] Graduation Rehearsal Plan/Agenda [] Practice is MANDATORY [] Check-in: [] PTP completion (need to complete prior to practice in order to participate in grad practice) [] Obligations list (clear obligations with school accountant: H. Medeiros) [] Thurs., 5/20 & Fri., 5/21 [] 8:15 am - 12:00 pm (advisors will check-in) [] Bring shoes you plan to wear at graduation [] If possible, avoid heels [] No railing for walking down the steps to stage [] Bring water bottle & a light snack [] Senior Contract [] Remind students to clear their obligations ASAP -------- 05/10 graduation will be live streamed using the link at the top of our homepage: http://www.konawaenahs.org/
-------- 05/05 All obligations must be cleared by May 19th. -------- 04/30 Your graduation tickets have arrived!! So next week they WILL be included with your cap and gowns. So that means you CANNOT pick up for anyone else because we need to make sure you get your tickets. DO NOT LOSE YOUR CAP & GOWN OR TICKETS!! When: Starting Monday 5/3 Where: Ms. Alcain’s room Ag-8 Time: 8:00-3:00 daily If you need to make special arrangements please email me ASAP -------- Tina Alcain Agriculture & Yearbook Teacher Konawaena High School [email protected] (808)313-6089 -------- 04/28 Cap and Gown distribution will not happen until next week. (First week of May) At which time I will send another email as to time and place to pick up. If you have NOT yet ordered one I have extras and they will be $67 (with tax added) sorry who I quoted $65 earlier. Cash or check only no Credit cards. You will need to sign for them so do not plan on picking up for someone else. Ms. Alcain
-------- 04/28 **Seniors will be receiving their two graduation tickets in their cap and gown packets . Also included will be a hardcopy of our graduation plan, parking and seating map, and graduation reminders (graduation practice dates & times, grad. attire, grad. day arrival).
Tina will have the specific distribution date and times SOON.
April 9, 2021 Aloha Parents/Families of the Class of 2021,
As the fourth quarter has begun, we are now in the home stretch with graduation right around the corner. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and understanding while we worked out our graduation plans for the Class of 2021. We will be having a meeting through Webex to go over Konawaena High School’s graduation plan on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 5:30 pm.
Graduation Song: Hey Seniors! Hope you had a nice break! Here is a new survey for graduation songs. There is also a spot at the end to share your class gift ideas. Thanks! https://forms.gle/xXJD8BZ4fBLowk3R9